Sarah is 24 years old and has been working here for 3 years.
Sarah is 28 years old and has been working here for 5 years.
Sarah is 31 years old and has been working here for 7 years.
Sarah is 35 years old and has been working here for 10 years.
Sarah is 39 years old and has been working here for 12 years.
The truck can carry up to 10 tons, travel 400 miles on a full tank, and has a load capacity of 800 cubic feet.
The truck can carry up to 12 tons, travel 450 miles on a full tank, and has a load capacity of 850 cubic feet.
The truck can carry up to 15 tons, travel 500 miles on a full tank, and has a load capacity of 900 cubic feet.
The truck can carry up to 18 tons, travel 550 miles on a full tank, and has a load capacity of 950 cubic feet.
The truck can carry up to 20 tons, travel 600 miles on a full tank, and has a load capacity of 1,000 cubic feet.
This month, our goal is to reach 1,000 sales and bring in $50,000 in revenue.
This month, our goal is to reach 1,500 sales and bring in $75,000 in revenue.
This month, our goal is to reach 2,000 sales and bring in $100,000 in revenue.
This month, our goal is to reach 2,500 sales and bring in $125,000 in revenue.
This month, our goal is to reach 3,000 sales and bring in $150,000 in revenue.
The train will reach the station in 30 minutes.
The train will reach the station in 45 minutes.
The train will reach the station in 60 minutes.
The train will reach the station in 75 minutes.
The train will reach the station in 90 minutes.
The project will require 8 weeks, 20 team members, and a budget of $200,000.
The project will require 10 weeks, 25 team members, and a budget of $250,000.
The project will require 12 weeks, 30 team members, and a budget of $300,000.
The project will require 15 weeks, 35 team members, and a budget of $350,000.
The project will require 18 weeks, 40 team members, and a budget of $400,000.